3 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Increase your eBay Holiday Sales

Increase your eBay Holiday Sales


Shoppers love the Holiday season; it’s their favorite time of the year to grab the best deals and hottest discounts. That automatically makes it the perfect time for sellers to recenter their strategies and engage more consumers. 

With around 138 million active buyers searching through eBay for the best deals of the holiday season, sellers have a great chance to boost sales. However, the competition is only getting more challenging. To secure this opportunity and improve sales, sellers must work on eBay listing optimization, inventory restructuring,  and other methods to attract consumers.

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How To Make It Big As A Walmart Marketplace Seller

Sell More On The Walmart Marketplace

After major online marketplace players like Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, etc, the next one in line is Walmart. It only started accepting 3rd party sellers since 2016 and has become quite the rage now. Walmart receives around 100 million visitors on a monthly basis. Well, that’s a fairly large audience base to expose your products to, right? And with the holiday season already here, the visitor traffic will probably go even higher.

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Amazon Competitor Analysis – A Quick Checklist

product listing optimization

With over 1 million sellers joining Amazon in 2018, it is evident that there has been a substantial increase in the number of new entrants on the world’s number one marketplace. And as a result, competition among sellers has increased manifolds. In such a scenario, staying ahead of the competition has become all the more challenging. If you intend to stay ahead and stand out from your competitors, conducting an in-depth competitor analysis is a great idea and an effective way to gain an edge over them.

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