Amazon vs eBay: Which Marketplace Suits Sellers the Best

Differences Between Amazon & eBay Marketplaces

Since the debut of e-Commerce in the 90s, Amazon and eBay have been two most sought after marketplaces. In their battle for market supremacy Amazon has emerged the winner of late, leaving eBay way behind.

In early days, eBay was the dominant company, reinventing itself as a clearinghouse for resellers from an auction house. However, Amazon later emerged as a retailer of gigantic proportions.

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Amazon Competitor Analysis – A Quick Checklist

product listing optimization

With over 1 million sellers joining Amazon in 2018, it is evident that there has been a substantial increase in the number of new entrants on the world’s number one marketplace. And as a result, competition among sellers has increased manifolds. In such a scenario, staying ahead of the competition has become all the more challenging. If you intend to stay ahead and stand out from your competitors, conducting an in-depth competitor analysis is a great idea and an effective way to gain an edge over them.

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